Note on Karu Samsu and Nekalah


 One of the least treated topics within the Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition is the already obscure pantheon of the Dark Gods, which is related to the satanic and magickal aspects of this tradition. One of the reasons why this topic has remained deeply intact by the followers and representatives of the Tradition primarily concerns a certain attitude towards the Dark Deities, which was discussed in some texts of the Order of the Nine Angles. Namely, in these texts it is explained that, first of all, the Dark Deities in reality do not have a name, gender, number, etc. similar to the beings of the causal universe, that is, similar to the forms through which these deities are presented, and which (forms) have a name, gender and number. Also, in some texts of the Order of the Nine Angles it is mentioned that names, sigils and chants associated with the Dark Deities are only nexions, forms, gates that lead to the experience of this phenomenon and are not the phenomenon itself, they are not actual the Dark Deities themselves. All these forms, therefore, are only means by which it is possible to come into contact with these acausal beings - by the way, bearing in mind that the terms "being", "energy", "force" are also just something that inaccurately describes what the Dark Ones are. . All this is something that inspired some followers of the Tradition to ask in their essays: "What is actually invoked by invoking the Dark Gods, given that, for example, Velpecula or Naos are simply the names of stars (constellations)" - we paraphrase. This means that some Dark Deities cannot be reduced to what is named "entity" within conventional occultism. The attitude of most "old-aeon" occultists towards these entities is largely inherited from ancient and medieval grimoires, it is rigid and fixed in terms of name, gender, number, sigil and even the appearance of these entities. Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition teaches us a different and esoterically more correct understanding of this topic: All these are just exoteric forms that do not represent any reality and that can and should be revised in accordance with the sensibilities and insights of the individual, Order or Tradition. On the other hand, the confusion on this issue is multiplied thanks to the misinterpretation of the esoteric language of symbols, which (misinterpretation) is noticeable to a great extent among those who call themselves occultists. It is unclear to many of them how Abadon / Apollo can be for us Gnawers same as Abatu, but at the same time the Return of Christ / Kalki or Adolf Hitler, just as it can be only a certain aspect of the psyche, nature and what not.

During the previous decades the sinister pantheon of the Dark Deities of the Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition was the subject of interest to some occultists, mostly of LHP orientation, who were either complete outsiders or were those who for some time identified with O9A by "joining" and "leaving" it.  Some of those recognizable in this category are M.W. Ford, E.A. Koetting and very young, but at the moment very loud V.K. Jehhanum. They all possess an understanding of the Dark Deities similar to the aforementioned old-aeon occultists - an understanding that is rigid and fixed, but also completely theistic in the most prosaic sense, similar to the demonolatric traditions or childish concepts by Joy of Satan - devoid of deeper esoteric insight. Also, judging by their experiences of the Dark Deities, an occult syndrome 
which is traditionally described as Magian is evident. Namely, these occultists treat the Dark Deities in this Magian manner since they think how they can simply bring them under their unquestionable control by possessing the right formula, sigil, word, correspondence, and that they can use the same deities as some Pokemon in their trivial personal duels, like these deities are in some way personally interested in these mortals. All of this is certainly more than foolish for any true follower of the Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition and for anyone who possesses any true esoteric knowledge, insight, and skill. However, the subject of this text is not dealing with such cases, but they are mentioned only as an example of this tragic misunderstanding of certain occult truths and to serve as a good introduction to the essence of this writing, which is concerned with the exoteric and speculative analysis of two deities from O9A pantheon. This analysis may hint at a certain esoteric nature of these deities, although in terms of exoteric and academic interpretation it may not be entirely accurate.


In the NAOS, Karu Samsu is obscurely described like all the other Dark Deities. It is said that the phrase means "I invoke the Sun". To many followers of the Tradition, this sounds meaningful because of the associations with the Akkadian “Sams” or the Arabic “Shams” which both mean “Sun”. However, "Samsu" is impossible to be found in any dictionary or lexicon without a suffix or as part of a phrase. Closest to this as an independent term is "Samsum", which does not actually represents "Sun", but "Power within the Sun". Neither in the Akkadian nor in the Sumerian lexicons can anything be found that would directly connect the term "Karu" with "invocation" or "summoning". It has a completely different meaning, as will be explained later in the text. It is possible to find, for example, a similar interesting expression - "Karmu" which means "to ruin". Therefore, perhaps the original phrase sounded like “Karmu Samsum” with two letters “M” lost or excluded perhaps due to wording and sonority, or due to many intentional mistakes made in NAOS and other manuscripts that serve as a test for studious followers of Tradition. Thus, Karmu Samsum would mean “ruining power within the Sun” which would certainly be much more appropriate to the sinister aspect of the Sinisterly-Numinous Tradition to which the pantheon of Dark Deities belongs. What also indicates the more sinister nature of this term as opposed to the description given in NAOS are related terms in some sibling languages ​​that allude to the same essence. The Arabic terms "karhan", "ala kuhrin", "ala karahiyatihi" are all derived from the root KRH and represent a "feeling of disgust", and in addition give the word "Karaha" which represents hatred, antipathy, aversion, etc. There is a similar expression in Biblical Aramaic found in the Book of the Prophet Daniel “it keriyyat ruhi” which translates as “and my spirit was troubled”. This is something that some academics associate with the Syrian "keryat ly", which means "I regretted". Both of the above terms, in the opinion of experts, are directly related to the Akkadian "karu" or "kurru" which means "to be shortened", "narrow". The Hebrew, Syrian, and Arabic roots of KRH mean "to feel pain" / "to be disgusted," while the Akkadian "karu" and Aramaic "kry" mean "to be shortened" or "to be narrowed," but metaphorically take on the meaning of "to be disturbed/ anxious." as translated in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. Thus, the name of one of the Dark Deities of the SN Tradition - Karu Samsu - may rather mean: "Ruining the force within the Sun"; “Disgusted by the Sun”; "Disturbed by the Sun," etc., than "I invoke the Sun."


All we know about Nekalah from NAOS is that this is also used as a collective name for the race of Dark Deities. From the sounding, it could be concluded that the word is of Semitic or Mesopotamian origin. In Hebrew there is actually an identical term used in several places in the Bible. However, the meaning and use of the Hebrew “nekallah” can hardly be directly related to anything sinister or numinous. “Nekallah” in Hebrew means “slightly” or “superficially”. Still, it comes from root קלל - “kalal” which means “to curse”, “cursed”, etc., depending on the prefix. Also, close, at least in terms of sounding, is the Sumerian term "nekele" which means "to see", "to observe", as well as "nekelemu" which is often translated as "evil eye" or "to look at someone with malice", although some experts think that simply means "look at me."

In the Islamic / Arabic tradition, there is one crucial toponym that is very close in sound to Nekalah and may have a slightly more sinister background. Namely, it is the Nakhalah Valley where Muhammad and his Companions won their first military victory. According to legend, Al-Uzza, a female demon of the Arabian pantheon, lived near three lonely trees in the Nehkalah valley. After conquering Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad sent Khalid-ibn-al-Walid to cut down these three trees. When he cut down all three trees Al-Uzza appeared in front of him in material form and Khalid killed her on the spot, also executing the then priest of her cult Dubai al-Salami. It was then that Muhammad reportedly announced, “It was Al-Uzza, but she no longer exists. Indeed, she will never be worshiped again. " The Quraysh tribe, from which Muhammad descended, but also other Arabs who inhabited Mecca worshiped Al-Uzza, and with her Allat and Manah more than any other deity among the 365 deities of pre-Islamic period who were worshiped in Kaaba. These three sinister female entities are also mentioned in one of the most valuable publications of Martinet Press (owned by O9A Nexion - Temple ov Blood) - "Devil's Qur'an", which, despite the words of the Prophet Muhammad, revived the worship of Al-Uzza, Allat and Manah, along with other sinister entities of ancient Arabia.
